order Inquiries

Embossed and Dimple


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SPHC-P Embossed
1.6t×D4.5×P7.5 60°Staggered
SUS304 Embossed
1.5t×D4.5×P7.5 60°Staggered
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SUS304 Embossed & Perforated
Thickness 1.5t
(embossed)D4.5×P7.5 60°Staggered
(Perforated)D2×P7.5 60°Staggered
SUS304 Embossed
2t×D7×P10 60°Staggered


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AL Dimple
2t×D7×P10 60°Staggered
AL Dimple
2t×D7×P35 60°Staggered
SUS304 Dimple
1.5t×D7×P35 60°Staggered

Shielded Triquetrous

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AL shielded triquetrous
1.5t×△10/10×P57 Staggered
SUS304 shielded triquetrous
1.5t×△10/10×P40 Staggered